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Onfab Product Bags

ONFAB are world leaders in the design, manufacture and installation of containment systems. ONFAB have developed unrivalled technology in flexible containment, hard isolators and glove bag solutions.



 Onfab Product Bags

ONFAB’s product bags meet the industry requirements and high standards of the Pharmaceutical sector. Product bags can be used for any OEL activity and are also used to improve GMP (good manufacturing process).

The connectivity and size of the product bags is selected based on the application, and standard versions are available in a permanently antistatic film. Additionally, if required the product bags can be made from a film specified by the client.

Features & Benefits

  • Single use
  • Secure transfer of OEB 5 compounds
  • Made out of Anti-Static Polyethylene
  • FDA Approved
  • Available Gamma Sterilised
  • Optional handling aids
  • Volume sizes: 5,10,15, 25 Litre


  • European Pharmacopoeia
  • BSE TSE free
  • Biocompatible USP 88
  • Biological Reactivity Test
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